American Film Education Comes to India
The American Film Academy has forged a groundbreaking partnership with the Visual Communication Department of Sacred Heart College in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. Marking this auspicious collaboration, Professor Shaker embarked on a significant journey to India. His visit to Sacred Heart College culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), symbolizing a commitment to academic and cultural exchange.
Association with Visual Communication
The American Film Academy is happy to announce its collaboration with Sacred Heart College’s Visual Communication department in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. This alliance aims to equip the final year students with a unique blend of American film education and industry standards, creating a foundation that’s unparalleled in its richness and diversity.
As part of our curriculum and project-based learning, our students will be given the opportunity to delve deep into the various realms of film-making.
The academy has laid out a sequence of projects designed not only to teach but to also offer a real-world hands-on experience.