In a significant collaboration, AFA has embarked on an exciting project with renowned director Cheran. Prof. Shaker, the Executive Producer for Cheran’s “Journey,” has facilitated this partnership. This collaboration represents an achievement of AFA’s vision of merging academic excellence with practical film production.
Working with Award winning Director Cheran
The AFA team, led by Prof. Shaker, which includes Siva Gunasegaran, Daniel Ilangovan, and Marvin Payton, played an instrumental role in the production of “Journey.” Their expertise and skills were pivotal in several project production areas.
Daniel Ilangovan and Marvin Payton were instrumental in the dubbing and post-production phases of “Journey.” The audio dubbing process in the US was crucial in ensuring that the film’s dialogue seamlessly complemented the on-screen performances. Daniel Ilangovan took on the role of AFA’s coordinator in India for post-production, bridging the work across continents and ensuring a cohesive and high-quality final product.
Siva Gunasegaran excelled in capturing New York City’s essence through his drone-operated cinematography for Cheran’s “Journey,” providing stunning aerial views and street-level shots. His work showcased the city’s iconic landscapes and enhanced the film’s visual storytelling. Additionally, Siva contributed to the film’s dubbing, ensuring its audio matched its visual artistry. His comprehensive cinematography, including footage of New York’s driveways and streets, added a unique dimension to the film’s narrative.
AFA in the Industry
This project is a testament to AFA’s commitment to providing real-world experiences to its members. By participating in the production of “Journey,” AFA has not only contributed to a significant cinematic project but also enriched the educational journey of its team, blending classroom knowledge with on-field application.
Marvin Payton played a key role in the dubbing process for “Journey” in the United States. His involvement was critical in ensuring the audio quality and dialogue synchronization, contributing significantly to the film’s immersive and authentic auditory experience. Marvin’s expertise was integral to the seamless blending of sound and visual elements, enhancing the overall impact of the film.